Do I Need to Re-Do My Pre-Existing Estate Plan?

Do I Need to Re-Do My Pre-Existing Estate Plan?

At eLegacy, we think it is a good practice for people to put together an estate plan before they think they will actually need them. You don’t want to be forced into hastily putting together a plan because of some catastrophic event, when you will not have time to...
How Often Should I Review My Estate Plan?

How Often Should I Review My Estate Plan?

Here at eLegacy, we encourage people to put together an estate plan before they desperately need one. The last thing you want is to have to cobble some sort of plan together when you have been rushed to the hospital with a life-threatening condition, worrying about...
When Do My Spouse and I Need Separate Estate Documents?

When Do My Spouse and I Need Separate Estate Documents?

When you are married, and particularly if you have been married for a long time, you and your spouse will likely approach Estate Planning from your perspective as a couple. This is especially true when all or the vast majority of your assets–your home, bank accounts,...